Green Zebra Tomato
Green Zebra has been described by some people like a high quality Chardonnay wine. It is sweet with some citrus undertones. A distinct green tomato taste with lots of complex flavours. Green Zebra is good for salads, snacking and adds a zing to baked dishes. If you are into making tomato jam’s, this one is highly recommended.
To know when a green tomato is ripe you can feel it with the hand. Green Zebra tomato however gives you some visual clues as well, when the light stripes starts to turn slightly yellow from white, they are ripe.
For some reason we do not know, Green Zebra tomatoes germination percentage is not as good as that of other tomatoes and a good percentage of seedlings does not make it. Don’t worry, the ones that do germinate makes up for this by producing in abundance. This is one of those tomatoes that you will keep on planting every season.
Approximately 25 Seeds
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